Friday, September 29

Random thought of the day...

Okay, so I was recently using the bathroom (what a great way to start a post...), and I was reminded of something I've been wondering for some time now. Each and every one of you has probably entered a bathroom and begun to do bathroom-type things, when you take notice of someone else in a nearby stall (or urinal). This person could not help but be aware of your presence (the door-opening makes noise, after all), and yet... they are making, well, a discomforting amount of audible noise. Vocal noise. CONTROLLABLE noise. You wonder, "Man, why isn't that guy quieter?" I know I never make sound in the bathroom, for fear of being heard just like this guy.


What if... I DO make noise. What if I think I'm silent, but I actually am just as bad as this guy? Do I not notice? Am I to... occupied?

This is a chilling thought.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Sometimes I think "where does he come up with this?!" Not one of my proudest moments mister Lyle... new topic please!