Well, perhaps it's time to pull a Lazarus and revive this dead (but not for too long) piece of land that I've staked out in AlGoreville (aka, the Internet). To keep the land analogy going, my land is dry. Barren. Crops unsupportable.
Fertilizer time.
I think I've got the answer to my problem. Problem: I don't write about my life, because I don't think it's interesting enough that others will care to read it (even though I'll talk about it ad nauseum). However, if I had an article with a fixed subject, why, I might just be able to maintain that. The stage is set. Get ready...here comes...
Adore & Disdain!
Here's the idea: life is made up of positives and negatives, right? It's feng shui or something, I don't know. Anyway, everyone likes some things and dislikes others. I know I do. Sometimes, my opinions are even stronger than "like and dislike". Hence the title. So, for the sake of balance, I'll write about something I adore (like a lot) and something else that I disdain (dislike a great deal). They might be related, they might not be, it's my bloggy and I'll write what I want to.
Still with me kids?
You're doing well.
Without further crap, I give you the inaugural posting of:
Adore & Disdain!
We'll kick things off with a disdain. My disdain for today is, well, a secret.
Not really.
In case you've missed it. This stunning piece of brain detritus is the new thing. It's hip. It's vogue. It's downright stupid. The concept is that your life (my life, Henry Winkler's life...) operates on the idea of 'positive attraction'.
In a nutshell:
You want something in life? Want it real bad? Think about yourself owning it. Getting it. Doing it. Think real hard.
You. Will. Get. It.
It's that simple, folks. Hard work? For the weak-minded. Sheer luck? Woe, faithless ones! A divine plan by an Almighty Creator? Open for revision as you see fit. I'm serious, all you have to do is want something bad enough, and you'll get it. Have cancer? Just think it away.
You might be asking yourself, why is this unbelievable 'philosophy' so popular? Two words:

Oprah, girlfriend.
Yep, Oprah's a fan, therefore, four million others are fans. Okay, 3,999,970 million others. Oprah confessed that she went out and bought 30 copies of the book.
I think Tom Cruise may have had this woman replaced with an alien, folks. But anyway, you get my drift. "The Secret" gets the honor of being first on my list o' disdain.
What do I adore, then?
Since it's late and I need to go to bed, I'll let the wonderment speak for itself. I present to you, Adore #1...
Seriously, watch this. Go through VH1's online rigamaroll. It's so worth it. Even if you don't like John Mayer.
I think I like this idea. Let's see if I stick with it.